Eight Sundays in February and March starting February 5, 2023

The Safe Haven West Side Basketball League, in collaboration with Breakout Hoops, is pleased to launch BREAKOUT SUNDAYS, a new coed program designed to further develop a player’s basketball acumen. 

Breakout Hoops is an organization founded by Peter Kiss and Nate McGrory. While leading the nation in scoring, Peter Kiss led Bryant College to its first NCAA tournament appearance in the school’s history. For over a decade, Nate McGrory has been well known on the UWS and in the Safe Haven Basketball  community for his passion and his dedication to  youth basketball and player development.

Each week depending on the session and skill level we will work on the following:

  • Form & Fundamentals: dribbling, mechanics, footwork, etc.
  • Basketball terminology & situational awareness on the court
  • Offensive and Defensive schemes 

Dates:  Sundays, starting February 5 and continuing until March 26, 2023

Location:  PS  84 (West 92nd Street between Columbus & CPW)

Program Location + Day & Time:

Coed Grades 2 & 3: PS 84 on West 92nd Street Saturday mid to late afternoon
Boys Grades 4 & 5: MSC on West 93rd Street Saturday early to mid afternoon
Boys Grades 6 & 7: MSC on West 93rd Street Saturday mid to late afternoon
Boys Grades 8 & 9: O’Shea on West 77th Street Saturday mid morning to early afternoon
Boys Grades 10, 11 & 12: O’Shea on West 77th Street Saturday mid to late afternoon
All Girls programs Grades 3 – High School: PS 84 on West 92nd Street Sunday afternoons

Registration fees:  

Eight-session package: $360  Single session: $60

Online Registration for Breakout Sundays STARTS January 25!