Note: The organization of players in girls’ divisions depends on enrollment numbers and participants’ ages and grades
The high school girls’ division includes players ages 13 to 18. A recreational program, all games and practices are held Sundays at an Upper West Side public school gym.
Dates: January 7 – March 24, 2024
Day and Location: Sunday mid to late afternoon at PS 84 on West 92nd St.
Special Features
- Players at all skill levels are welcome
- Professional and semi-professional referees
- Partial scholarships (available based on need)
- Parent and community volunteer coaches
- Community Service credit for volunteering in younger divisions or in Special Needs Champions Division
(Please fill out Player Volunteer Form here)
Registration Options
- Online registration is available through our LeagueApps system.
- If you choose to register by mail, please download our Mail-in Registration form.
Mail or Drop off form and payment payable to:
Safe Haven West Side Basketball League
c/o Copy Experts, Box 257, at 2424 Broadway (89th Street), New York, NY 10024.